Book Chapter

1. Bojana Hajdini and Gentjan Skara, ‘The Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Light of ECHR Standards’ in Dunja Duić and Tunjica Petrašević (eds), The Recovery of the EU and Strengthening the Ability to Respond To New Challenges – Legal And Economic Aspects (Faculty of Law, University of Osijek 2022)

2. Gentjan Skara, “Mainstreaming Human Rights through the Enlargement Policy: the case of the Western Balkan Countries” in Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro et al (eds) Los 70 Años Del Cedh Y Los 20 Años De La Carta De Niza: Los Derechos Fundamentales En Europa Y América Latina: Objetivos Alcanzados Y Desafíos A Afrontar (Ediciones Olejnik 2022)

3. Ferdinand Xhaferaj and Gentjan Skara, “Local Public Participation in Albania: Actions and Reflections after the 2014 in Reform on Local Self-Government” in Marig Doucy, Magali Dreyfus, Nathalie Noupadia (eds) Changements démocratiques et électroniques dans l’action publique locale en Europe: REvolution ou E-volution, (Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie 2021)
